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Calling From Haiti

Calling to Haiti

Making Calls while in Haiti

Other Information about Long Distance Calling To/From Haiti

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General Tips for Making Phone Calls within Haiti

Keep in mind that there are no area codes in Haiti. For domestic calls to land lines, simply dial the 7-digit number. For calls to cell phones, dial the cellular prefix (3 digits), followed by a 4-digit subscriber number.

Mobile phone calls within Haiti

All cellular phones in Haiti have 3-digit provider prefixes before the 4-digit subscriber number. e.g. For a domestic call to a cellular phone in Haiti, dial 0-9x-xxx-xxxx. For an international call from London to a cellular phone in Haiti, dial 00-866-9x-xxx-xxxx.

Receiving calls from abroad

For international calls to Haiti, always dial the international access code (011 in the U.S.), country code (509), followed by the subscriber number. e.g. For a call to Port-au-Prince from Los Angeles, dial 011-509-xxx-xxxx.

Other calls and numbers

Toll-free emergency numbers in Haiti include:

  • 114 Police
  • 118 Ambulance

Tips for Calling Internationally from Haiti

For international calls from Haiti, always begin with that country’s international access code, 00. Then dial the country code for the country you are calling, followed by the area code and subscriber numbers. e.g. For a call to a New York phone from Cap-Haitien, dial 00-1-212-xxx-xxxx.

Phone cards can offer the best deals on international calls from Haiti.

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